About HomeSearch.AI

Our company did not start out specializing in Go (Google's Golang). We've been developing solid, user-friendly software for many years.

From just prior to dawn of the web, we began unix green screen applications before pioneering database driven web applications. Through the years we were a very early adopter of Java.  Most of our next generation work was in Java.  In the last few years, we happily moved on to Go and haven't looked back.

Some of our applications:
  • SCMS - Service Center Management System.  Complete system for running all aspects of a service center, parts management, tech assignment, manufacture, customer and extended warranty billing.

  • FMS - Field Service Management System.  Complete system for running all aspects of a field service operation, including scheduling, parts management, tech assignment, manufacture, customer and extended warranty billing

  • ISP Register.  Complete internet new account provisioning system. We helped smaller Internet Service Providers create signup disks similar to the way AOL did it. (mid 90s)

  • ISP Admin.  First ever Java based billing system. ISPs that purchased ISP Register, used ISP Admin to bill their clients on a monthly basis.

  • Erogo Billing.  Considerably more elaborate Java based billing and micro-billing system.

  • Dream Realty. One of the first database and multiple listing service driven web sites.  www.DreamRealty.com

  • Dream Home Search API Developed a natural language/artificial intelligence application programming interface that can be customized for use in many different scenarios. The first use was the Dream Realty Home Search. The API provided functionality for a home seaker to voice his/her exact criteria. Search for a home with "2 beds 2 baths walking distance from Jacksonville Beach under 500k."

  • Dream Realty Android App Android home search app implementing our Natural Language API

  • Dream Realty IOS App Iphone and IPAD home search app implementing our Natural Language API

  • Park Gurus Complete web, android and IOS implementation for parking. Park Gurus is an excellent use of our Natural Language API dedicated to locating available parking spots. www.ParkGurus.com

  • HomeSearch.AI  Full API for converting audio/voice home searches to SQL.  www.HomeSearch.ai